A downloadable game

The high tower of the Elven Wizard is under attack! The Dark Lord has used his Crystals of Power and turned all the wizard’s apprentices into unspeakable monsters!

It’s up to you, cowardly Acolyte. Climb to the top of the tower, destroy the Dark Lord’s crystals, and confront the master of evil once and for all! 

Made in 3 days for an internal game jam.


Camera Look
Shoot Wand
Left Click
Electric Wand (Select)1
Scatter Wand (Select)2
Laser Wand (Select)3


Meet the Team

Ben Kentwell - LinkedIn

Liam Cunneen - LinkedIn
Mitchell Caldwell -  LinkedIn

Daniel Lloyd - LinkedIn
Isabell Gorringe - LinkedIn
Neel Ulanday


Music by Loeder


MagicGoneWrong.zip 46 MB


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(2 edits)

Good job team, Solid game. I would play more levels if there was any. I really like the narrator voice introducing us to the world and telling the player the main reason we are killing these creatures.

As it is up to us the Acolyte to destroy the Dark Lord. My 2 go to weapons in this game I used the most was the Scatter Wand and Laser Wand as I really like the blast from the Scatter Wand and if need I would use the Laser Wand to get the easier hits if I ran out of mana with the Scatter Wand.

One thing I did notice while playing is that I got hit through a wall one time while playing but overall very awesome game for something that was made in 3 days, Bravo!